The thermal container Isotec® eTBX Freezer

Are you looking for a cost-effective solution for freezing eutectic plates without the need for a separate cooling chamber? This is possible with the actively cooled GEBHARDT thermal container Isotec® eTBX Freezer!

The GEBHARDT thermal container Isotec® eTBX Freezer

As a rental model, the Isotec eTBX Freezer replaces the construction of an expensive blast freezer cell and is considered a cost-effective and reliable way of cooling. For smaller warehouses without a separate cooling chamber, the eTBX Freezer is the perfect solution to freeze eutectic plates at -25°C in a compact space. In combination with our container, reusable eutectic plates are used, resulting in enormous CO² savings. Let our thermo experts advise you and find together with GEBHARDT the process suitable for your logistics operations.

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Your benefit at a glance

  • deep-freeze temperature adjustable down to -25°C
  • easy process integration (plug-in system with 230V connection)
  • process-safe cold chain in combination with eutectic plates
  • up to 90% CO² saving potential compared to dry ice

Our free whitepaper for more know-how and insider knowledge about  the thermal container and a safe cold chain!

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active insulated container with its own power supply

Saving of up to 90% CO² by using eutectic plates

Reusable eutectic plates are used in conjunction with the Isotec® eTBX Freezer. This use can save up to 90% of CO² compared to the environmentally harmful dry ice. The active cooling tank with its own power supply can be connected at any time in the warehouse, eliminating the need for an expensive blast chiller cell. Especially manufacturers who have a smaller infrastructure can save a lot of money with the eTBX Freezer. A big advantage of the container is its small space requirement and the possibility to connect it to standard household sockets at any time. The GEBHARDT thermal container with active cooling is immediately ready for use and very easy to use.

Your benefits at a glance

  • The use of eutectic plates saves up to 90% of dry ice
  • Economical alternative to an expensive cooling chamber
  • Perfect for manufacturers with small infrastructure

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Eutectic plates instead of dry ice

Use of eutectic plates in the eTBX Freezer

A special freezing frame made of stainless steel is built into the Isotec® eTBX Freezer, which ensures that there is a sufficient gap between the eutectic plates. This ensures that all plates are flushed with cold air evenly and reach the target temperature evenly. A total of up to 56 eutectic plates can be placed in the container.  The reusable eutectic plates have a particularly long service life in addition to the great savings potential and ensure a safe cold chain of up to 24 hours!

Take advantage of the eTBX Freezer and save a lot of money compared to expensive cooling chambers.

  • Freezing rack for the uniform cooling of the eutectic plates
  • Space for up to 56 cold packs
  • Reusable eutectic plates

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Direct contact - your contacts at GEBHARDT Logistic Solutions

Do you have any questions about the GEBHARDT thermal container or would you like individual advice? Feel free to contact us!

Our team is there for you!

Alexander Danan Outside Sales Manager
Dominika Mirekova Customer Service Manager

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